April 30, 2017

We're supposed to believe their incompetence is somehow all Obama's fault. Never mind the fact that it appears they did vet former NSA Michael Flynn, knew about his business ties to Turkey, and hired him anyway:

The White House and President Trump's transition team reportedly did a background check on former national security adviser Michael Flynn in addition to his already approved security clearance, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reported Friday evening.

"NBC News has learned from sources close to the Trump-Russia investigation that both the Trump transition and the White House did do a background check on Flynn," Maddow said on her program, citing reporting from NBC's Andrea Mitchell.

"This is in addition to his already approved security clearance. They did a background check on Flynn specifically for him to become national security adviser." [...]

Maddow said Friday that NBC reporting showed that "the vetting of Flynn was done and sources close to the investigation tell NBC that it was done 'very casually.'"

"One person involved tells NBC that the Trump transition was aware of Flynn's business ties to Turkey," she said.

Flynn, who was forced out of Trump's White House after misleading officials about his conversation with Russia's ambassador about sanctions, received a five-year renewal of his security clearance in January 2016.

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