Sen. John McCain called for a "select committee" to investigate "Russian activities" in trying to undermine our U.S. general election.
McCain was asked to comment on the latest Gen. Flynn revelations by MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.
Mitchell said, "it appears according to Republican House chairman, [Michael Flynn] did not disclose money, hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to him by the Turkish government and in fact by Russian interests. --- it was funded by Russia oligarchs at the same time Vladimir Putin was attacking through cyber attacks the U.S. election. How do you explain this?"
McCain descriptively replied, "I have said many times and I hate to be so repetitious, but this is a centipede and there will be more shoes to drop. I have seen these before and you have, too."
"There are gonna be more revelations about Russian activities, there will be more revelations about their attempts to affect our election. There will be more, and every time there's a new revelation, it's a more compelling argument for a select committee to examine all of these activities that took place," the Arizona Senator said.
McCain was very critical of the way Chairman Nunes was used by the Trump administration and how he handled the House Intelligence investigation.
McCain foresees many more tentacles of Russian connections attached to the Trump campaign being exposed and he knows we can't get a credible investigation between the House and the Senate with former Trump transition team members running the committees tasked to do the investigation.