Colonel Kristin Goodwin has been selected by Trump to be the Commandant of Cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO and will be promoted to Brigadier General. But Christian right-wing nut jobs are losing their minds because she is a lesbian. Leading the charge is former Alabama chief justice Roy Moore and his wife Kayla. The Moore's lead the Foundation of Moral Law (FML), and are of the opinion, as the foundation's name states, that they are the nation's moral authority. Kayla even went so far as to send the secretary of defense, Jim Mattis, a letter stating why they find her promotion so offensive.
"I oppose this nomination because Colonel Goodwin does not set a proper moral example for youth. The person responsible for the education of cadets at the academy is a role model and an exemplar pf proper deportment and conduct. Colonel Goodwin, as a lesbian who is 'married' (Kayla's quote marks) to another woman, not only demeans the institution of marriage but contradicts the divine basis for marriage revealed in Scripture and evident in nature. Because homosexual relationships are unnatural, they are incompatible with the basic structure of civil society and the historic antecedents of military order and discipline."
Foundation of Moral Law
This is par for the course with the FML. They've been fighting those damn, pesky homosexuals for decades. Convinced they are trying to turn your children into gays, the FML has funded and supplied a small army of bigoted lawyers to stop every domestic partnership, gay marriage and homosexual rights law in every state to include federal laws. Roy Moore's homo-hatred even extends to his time as an Alabama judge.
The Moores are proud of their anti-gay history, and openly brag about all their attacks via the FML's website. What they don't brag about is their racist history. You won't find any clips of Roy Moore speaking before the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC), a more gentile version of the KKK. You have to go to the CofCC's archives of their newsletter, The Citizen Informer. The FML also doesn't brag about the fact that they hosted the 2010 Alabama Secession Day Commemoration with speakers from both the CofCC and the League of the South, a neo-Confederate group that claims slavery was God ordained.
They won't tell you that Roy Moore's campaigns in Alabama were funded by neo-Confederate, League of South leader, Michael Peroultka. Peroultka even gave the FML and its predecessor over $250,000. The Moore's don't brag about the FML's senior counsel, John Edsmoe, being banned from a Tea Party rally because he spoke at that 2010 League of South celebration.
Apparently, the Moores have learned that being a racist is frowned upon. Being a queer hater however, is still quite popular in right-wing Christian circles.
Colonel Goodwin
Colonel Goodwin is a highly experienced and decorated Air Force pilot. Prior to this promotion, she was the senior military assistant to the secretary of the Air Force in Washington D.C. She was also the first female vice commander of the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman Air Force base and led the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barkdale Air Force base. Her credentials include 3000 hours as a command pilot in the B-2, B-52, EC-130, C-130, T-38, T-1 and the T-37.
No One Cares What Their Opinion Is
No one cares about the FML anymore. No one's going to listen to a bunch of old southern Confederate apologists beating on their God-hates-gays drum. But good for the Moores in thinking that their opinions matter. I'm sure the mention of her husband's graduation from West Point will sway Mattis in this decision. That alone would make Colonel Goodwin's twenty-four plus years pale in comparison. Smart move, douchebags.