April 11, 2017

In the latest Morning Consult poll, New Jersey Governor has now become the least popular governor in America, even beating out embittered Sam Brownback of Kansas.

In March, the latest Quinnipiac Poll, showed how bad Christie was polling in his home state. New Jersey voters disapprove 76 percent to 19 percent of the job Christie is doing.

Most people think Christie should have been prosecuted with his staffers over the Bridgegate scandal, but he was smart enough not to leave a trail.

Just 25 percent of New Jerseyans approve of their Republican governor, who continues to be dogged by the “Bridgegate” scandal. Seventy-one percent disapprove of Christie, who endorsed Donald Trump for president after dropping out of the GOP’s presidential primary in early 2016.

Brownback has a 27% approval rating, but Christie has now dropped to a 25% approval rating.

This isn't a small sampling either as Morning Consult said, "More than 85,000 registered voters across America evaluated the job performance of their governors from from January 2017 through March 2017 to determine the latest rankings (Full Methodology)."


I have no idea what the sports talk radio giants of the east coast, WFAN thinks they are getting if they decide to hire Christie.

"I would certainly at least want to consider him," WFAN program director Mark Chernoff said. "If he's interested and we're interested, it's worth pursuing."

Mick Francesa is retiring, which is opening up a huge hole in their schedule, but Christie? I've heard him subbing on the Boomer and Carton show and he is nothing to write home about.

I wrote this in March, "Since Trump got hammered in New York state and Christie is a Dallas Cowboys fan, I have no idea why the Tri-state area would ever consider listening to this buffoon on a daily basis, but many in the sports world are Republicans, which includes both Boomer and Carton."

Hey if that's the way they ride, so be it.

WFAN can have him since no one else wants him.

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