After Mike Pompeo mocked Kellyanne Conway over her "microwaves" craziness, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski calls it "kooky" that she actually works in the White House.
April 14, 2017

"Kellyanne Conway made that ridiculously stupid statement, it's unbelievable she works in the White House," said Mika Brzezinski, a co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe program today.

Conway caused quite a stir by claiming microwaves could be used to surveil Americans when she was trying to defend Trump's allegations that President Obama wiretapped him.

This morning's outrage was caused by new statements that were made yesterday at the Center for Strategic & International Studies by the new chief of the CIA, Mike Pompeo.

Pompeo said, "These officers, like me, have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution. They’ve signed secrecy agreements. They quietly go about their work and try not to get too worked up over the headlines, including the fanciful notion that they spy on their fellow citizens via microwave ovens.”

Co-host Brzezinski was flabbergasted that Conway still has a job in the White House after going off the deep end, and the rest of the panel had fun laughing over Conway...

Mika said, "Yea, exactly that was the CIA director seemingly throwing a little shade at microwaves and Kellyanne Conway."

"It's unbelievable!" she proclaimed.

Joe Scarborough continued humiliating Conway, "everybody knows that the CIA actually listens to us through straws - they're always pointing, where we're talking."

Halperin said, "Directional mics."

"Kooky," said Mika.

"You know what you do though? You get paper clips and you put them around here with some tin foil and it stops, it interferes with the signal," Scarborough said.

Steve Schmidt laughed, "There's a lot of uses for tin foil - probably the most important!"

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