Hey all, patrickB here. It's Sa-tur-daAaa-ay!
Laura Clawson (my fav!) from DailyKos discusses Trumpsky's ongoing daycare service.
As Zandar Versus the Stupid offers a more concise version of how Trumpsky operates.
Nancy LeTourneau at Washington Monthly gives us a rundown on Trumpsky's first 100 days. And, for some reason, I do so wish Peter Sellers was still alive today.
While The Rude Pundit offers a very different take on Trumpsky's first 100 days.
And finally, the New Civil Rights Movement bring us our "You Should Have Seen This One Coming" award for the week..
Round-Up by patrickB who blogs at The Big Empty. You can follow patrickB on the Twitter Machine . Send tips, requests, and suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com (with For MBRU in the subject line).