It's official! There will be no vote on the horrible travesty known as Trumpcare 3.0, or the AHCA as amended to gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
"We are not voting on healthcare tomorrow or Saturday," McCarthy told reporters after a nearly two-hour leadership meeting in Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) office in the Capitol.
McCarthy downplayed the healthcare development, saying leaders had been discussing the short-term stopgap funding bill to avert a government shutdown.
There are at least 21 verified "No" votes from Republicans on the amended bill, and apparently a few more who are not on the record.
Earlier today, Trump tweeted this:
Clearly he was trying to tie a vote on TrumpCare to one keeping the government open.
And then there was this:
Democrats have been the party who has pushed for a permanent fix to miners' healthcare benefits, but when has Trump ever been honest about anything, right?
All of those town hall meetings over the past two weeks, all of the resistance, the phone calls, the letters, the postcards, and the protests made a difference. This is how we stop them.
Good work!