How do you get Donald Trump's attention, besides being a hot model or doing a story on Fox and Friends? Here's how:
And don't forget -- Quinnipiac leans Republican.
So with the Russia tie investigators hounding the front door, yer Republican Congress failing on every front....
...Yeah Donald at least you're polling above Congress and that's BEFORE they shut down the government....
...and now a Republican poll showing you're in the toilet, it's time to do the Donald Trump totally predictable reaction to stress.
Find Someone To Blame.
It's pretty clear that Ivanka convinced her daddy that Steve Bannon has let him down.
Let's go to Jeff at CNN:
...It was a very unusual moment for a political strategist to be on the principles committee of National Security. What that means he essentially had the same seat at the table as Chairman of Joint Chiefs, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State. Now, we're being told there's a readjustment of this thinking. and it's largely because the new National Security Adviser General McMaster is now in charge of this. General Flynn, of course, who we've been talking about so much in recent days involving the Russia investigation, he is, of course, no longer here. So removing Steve Bannon from the Principles Committee is another step towards bringing more structure, sort of a traditional structure, if you will, to the National Security Council. It is being explained to us by one administration official saying that this is something is that Steve Bannon wanted....
...that he was there sort to keep an eye on Flynn. but I'm also told by another Republican close to this White House who said don't necessarily believe that. That there is a power struggle, as there always is, going on inside the West Wing. Inside this White House. This is likely part of that as well here. There is a sense bringing on Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, of course, trying to return to some sort of a traditional structure here.
At which point, Chelsea Clinton and her husband laughed until they cried.