At a joint press conference with German leader Angela Merkel (now on her fifth "We're So Sorry" relaxation gift basket from the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Donald Trump insisted that his health care Obamacare replacement package is going to be "terrific" and that it's the media's fault that only a few people don't like it.
"It's becoming more popular" with Republicans and conservatives, he said.
"It's going to be terrific." he said.
"I've often said, the best thing I can do, politically, is absolutely nothing. Wait one year, and then even the Democrats will come, and say, 'please, please, you gotta help us.'"
Trump decrys states where there is only one insurer because other private insurance companies have abandoned the market. What he doesn't say is the FACT that there is a correlation between those markets (which have high premiums due to lack of competition) and Republican state governments hostile to ACA from the beginning.
And of course, all you'd have to do is provide a public option in those states where private insurance had failed to provide a market-based solution and patients would flock to that.
We know who Trump is working for, and it ain't patients and consumers with one insurance company to choose from.