March 17, 2017

On last night's "Full Frontal," Samantha Bee celebrated the Great White Loss of Geert Wilders in The Netherlands.

The far-right, White supremacist, anti-immigrant candidate was trounced in Dutch elections yesterday by 13 seats.

Sam Bee then turned to Iowa Representative and white baby counter Steve King, "the Geert Wilders superfan."

"What does it take to get a white dude fired?" she asked.

She then stomped on Republican office holders who distanced themselves from King by "mere centimeters"

"I don't think that statement reflects what is special about this country. I'd like to think that he misspoke," House Speaker Paul Ryan said.

"Hate to dash your hopes, Oh Captain, my captain," Bee said. It's hard to make excuses for Steve King when "even the Breitbart White House was like, no man, too racist."

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