Speaker Ryan saw the same lack of evidence that the House Intel committee did. Yep, the Speaker of the House refuted Trump's wiretapping claims entirely.
March 16, 2017

During today's press conference, Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters that he saw no evidence to back up Donald Trump's claims that President Obama wiretapped him.

Speaker Ryan said he was also briefed in the same manner as Rep. Nunes and Schiff about the whole wiretapping fiasco.

A reporter asked if he was comfortable that Trump made these allegations based on some press reports. Does he actually believed the president?

"Frankly, do you believe it?"

Ryan responded by saying Fox News' Bret Baier made him aware of some of these press reports Trump cited and then replied, "the point is, the intelligence committees in their continuing, widening, ongoing investigation-of-all-things-Russia got to the bottom at least so far with respect to our intelligence community that knows such wiretaps existed.

The reporter asked again, "Do you believe the president when he says that president Obama ordered wiretaps of Trump Tower?"

Ryan emphatically responded, "No, that's what I said, we've cleared that up. That we've seen no evidence of that."

On Wednesday evening, Trump told Tucker Carlson that "Frankly, we have a lot" of evidence that supports his despicable claims against Obama. "But I think we have some very good stuff," he said.

Why then didn't he get his information in time to the House committee before they gave a press conference?

And if Rep. Nunes knew Trump had the goods, why then wouldn't he postpone the presser until they had extra time to review this new information?

In the meantime, our tax dollars went to a needless investigation because the so-called president read a stupid conspiracy from Mark Levin via Breitbart and tweeted about it.

Note to Ryan and his party: the world is damn lucky it wasn't something war-causing. This time.

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