"[Trump]’s got perfect genes,” said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin during an interview with Mike Allen at Axios.com earlier today.
In the middle of an interview about tax policy, Mnuchin dropped that little nugget, also reassuring the audience that the president no longer eats Kentucky Fried Chicken because now he's got great chefs at the White House to make crappy food for him. (See, for example, well-done steaks with ketchup)
“Given his diet and exercise, how does he pull that off?” Allen asked, referring to the president’s well-known love of fast food and his disinclination toward any exercise more strenuous than golfing.
“He’s got perfect genes,” Mnuchin said as the audience tittered. “He has. He’s got perfect genes. He has incredible energy, okay, and he’s unbelievably healthy.”
He pointedly avoided any mention of Trump's mental health, which is certainly at issue.
You know who else was obsessed with perfect genes, right? Hitler, who had Josef Mengele at his side experimenting on humans to find the perfect one, while killing millions of Jews. The obsession with genes on the part of this president and his administration is really disgusting.