Betsy McCaughey is a paid liar.
This segment from CNBC is no exception. Here she literally brags about how the ACHA will cut coverage from health insurance policies and "reform Medicaid" which is causing states to "bleed red ink."
She doesn't say what will happen when the patients who no longer have coverage wind up "bleeding red blood," but that's not her job.
Via NY Magazine, here is what was made "optional" in health insurance policies during last night's marathon change-the-bill-to-make-the-freedom-caucus-happy changes:
McCaughey promises lower premiums without noting that those savings come from giving fewer people less coverage. That's the whole point of the Republican plan.
Insurance companies are no longer required to cover HOSPITALIZATION under ACHA. Got that?
Vice President for Health Policy at the Center for American Progress Topher Spiro is not going to let her get away with it. He reminds viewers of Betsy's history as the "death panel" liar of 2009's lie of the year.
"What a waste of time!" is all Betsy has in response.
Spiro then notes that nearly every health care provider in the country is opposed to the Ryancare / Trumpcare / Don't Care bill.
McCaughey tries to counter that the AMA doesn't represent all doctors, as if that matters to her argument, and claims "lots of doctor groups" want the ACHA to pass.
"Name one." says Spiro. She ignores the question. Of course.
In the end, she has to claim that her earpiece is broken and she can't hear the truth about herself and her cruel policies coming from the other side of the panel.
That's okay, Betsey. We heard it. Go cash your insurance industry check.