Darrell Issa Is Sinking Like A Sunset
March 15, 2017

California Republican Congressfool Darrell Issa has written a check with his mouth that his butt can’t cash.

Issa was elected on the thinnest of margins in the country. And guess who is sawing off that margin:

An internal poll by Issa’s campaign showed a nearly 10-percentage point drop in his favorability ratings between mid-October and early December — and that one likely reason the lawmaker’s image took a hit was because of his support for President Trump.

The best part is that the internal poll was obtained after a judge ruled against Issa in a $10 million lawsuit Issa filed against his Democratic opponent the day before the November 8th election. Issa claimed that his opponent …

… had doctored a newspaper quote to make it appear that the representative did not support providing healthcare to victims, first responders and others involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The lawsuit said that the commercials unfairly made Issa appear as a “deceitful, uncaring person and corrupt” lawmaker.

The judge said quotes used in the 9/11 advertisement was “substantially true.” Issa and a bipartisan group of lawmakers had voted down a bill seeking further benefits for the victims.

So the judge, after looking at the evidence, pretty much said, yeah, Issa is a deceitful, uncaring person and corrupt.

Hell, he could have just asked me.

And now Issa will have to pay his opponent’s legal bills for the lawsuit.

Now there’s a smile.

Originally published at JuanitaJean.com

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