In another alarming display of rewriting history and general lunacy, Trump's Housing and Urban Housing secretary Ben Carson, told HUD employees during a speech that slaves were "immigrants" who came to America "looking to pursue prosperity and happiness.”
I kid you not.
I never thought I'd ever see in my lifetime that a Black conservative would downplay and downsize the horrific act of slavery and all the atrocities associated with it to nothing more than ships of immigrant passengers full of dreams.
I'm getting ill writing this article.
Carson told the group that he his department would not play favorites because I guess being poor and getting help is too politically correct for him.
Carson said, "One of the things you will notice in this department under my leadership is that there will be a very big emphasis on fairness for everybody.”
“Everything that we do, every policy; no favorites for anybody, no extra for anybody, but complete fairness for everybody," he said.
Everyone is equal!!!! Political correctness will not destroy thee!!!!
The faux constitutional scholar continued, "Because that is what the founders of this nation had in mind, and if you read the constitution, it becomes very clear that that was the goal.”
Even the very rich need to get a leg up from HUD?
This is pretty poor in of itself, but then Carson began to fantasize about slave ships and well... went off the rails into an "alternate reality."
Is "alternative history" a thing now?
Carson opined, “There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships who worked even longer, even harder for less.”
No, they were people taken against their wills, who were beaten, raped and killed if they disobeyed their captors. They were kidnapped and taken into bondage to supply forced labor to the oligarchs of their time.
Then Carson borrowed from MLK, but not in the good MLK way.
Carson continued. “But they too had a dream, that one day their sons, daughters, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness.”
They had a dream that they would be free of their slave masters, you jackass.
How sick is Ben Carson? I doubt even racist southern conservatives would ever begin to describe slavery as Carson did.
Let's hope Rep. Ted Lieu's bill to get Trump mental health services actually gets passed because Carson is in need of serious help.