To make it easier on poor Paul Ryan (not), last night Samantha Bee created an imaginary president for Paul Ryan to impeach:
Consider, if, in theory, a hypothetical president-- we'll call him Doug-- were to collude with a foreign enemy, engage in self-dealing, defy a co-equal branch of government, share state secrets with the entire early dinner seating of his private club, the clinically bonkers or, worst of all, lie under oath about an alleged sex act, guess who would be expected to draw up articles of impeachment? The pride of Janesville, House Speaker Paul Ryan.
She didn't have to say how easy this would be if "Doug" had a D after his name.
Bee shows multiple clips of Ryan disagreeing with candidate Trump's behavior, then gives him some advice:
"Take another cue from Taylor Swift, Mr. Speaker, and dump the guy you've only been dating to help your career. It's kind of hurting your "conscience of the party" brand."
Her advice for the rest of us?
"Stand out of groping range, everyone, it's going to be a long four years."