February 16, 2017

Trump began his press conference and claimed, yet again, how incredible his electoral college victory was over Hillary Clinton; how it was the biggest since Ronald Reagan.

C&L fact check replies: FALSE!

He then railed against the press for spreading "fake news" for most of his entire press conference.

Trump only received 304 actual electoral votes, which pales in comparison to Reagan, poppa Bush, barack Obama, Bill Clinton. The only person he beat was George W. Bush.

NBC's Peter Alexander fact checked him on the spot and said, "You said today that you had the biggest electoral margin since Ronald Reagan with 304 or 306 electoral votes. In fact, president Obama got 365 and --"

Trump cut in and lied, "Well, I'm talking about Republicans."

Peter continued, "President Obama, 332 and George H.W. Bush 426 when he won as president, so why should Americans trust --"

Trump replied, "No, I was given that information. I don't know. I was just -- we had a very, very big margin."

Alexander continued, "Why should Americans trust you when you accuse the information they receive of being fake when you're providing information that's --"

Trump stumbled and said, "I was given that information. I was given -- actually, I've seen that information around, but it was a very substantial victory. do you agree with that?

Peter said, "You're the president."

Trump replied, "Thank you, good answer, yes."

Why does Trump lie so much about things that are not consequential at this point into his administration?

The popular vote loss still bothers him to no end, but it's like a kind of glitch within his psyche.

And then when he gets caught clearly lying, he blames the source of the information that gave it to him. He made the same weird claims during his Bibi Netanyahu press conference yesterday.

Ego, much?

Order up another fruit basket, this one for Peter Alexander.

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