February 20, 2017

You can't do a news segment anymore that isn't about Donald Trump. Or as John Oliver said last night, “Trump dominates the news cycle like a fart dominates the interior of a Volkswagen Beetle.” he said at the start of his Sunday night show.

And so what if that means real, fact-based, important international news, like the death of Kim Jong-un’s half brother, gets buried under the fake news Trump lie of Sweden's "terrorist attack?"

“Here’s where we’re at right now: Trump can dominate the news merely by referencing something that didn’t happen in Sweden,” said Oliver.

The highlight of the week was, of course, “a presidential press conference [that] elicited the same reaction you get from people who have just seen someone shoot fireworks out of his arse.” Oliver showed the universal one-word media reaction to the presser: "Wow."

But the key argument of last night's show was that Trump is either Putin's idiot stooge or willing collaborator. So many times Trump has said in public, “it would be nice if we got along with Russia.”

“It would also be nice if you could walk right up to a bear and hug it, that would be really, really nice but unfortunately it’s not that f*cking easy.”

Most jaw dropping was an interview clip with a Russian journalist, who pointed out that Putin uses problems in America to convince his own citizens that democracy fails everywhere, and it's just not possible for the world to be a better place than it is.

That is followed up with Trump's statement in his most recent O'Reilly interview: "You think America's so great?" in which Trump intimated that our government officials may have people killed, too.

It plays right into Putin's narrative and is either conscious or unconscious. Either way, it's terrifying.

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