Yep, forget all those Nazi references. It's time for the East German Secret Police force to build the wall and spy on citizens. Round them up and put them in camps is next?
I love this comment at the powerfully-worded NY Times editorial: "Mr. Trump's Deportation Force Prepares an Assault on American Values":
The modern USA was built by line jumpers. A vast # of immigrants came to the USA "illegally" over the last 241 years. They were Irish, Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Polish, and many other ethnicities. They came from Canada and travelled overland to our cities, they came ashore on our coasts, and they came from Latin America. They overwhelmingly contributed. With the exception of a vey few bad actors they supported the war effort in WW1, WW2 and later wars and conflicts. They helped to build our bridges, railroads, dams, roads, and more recently our technological infrastructure and tech economy. Yes, we need sensible border controls, and we need to send violent actors back to their native countries, but we need to embrace the immigrants and their children who are striving and clawing for a better life, because we are them. This is the history, promise and hope of America. Our empathy in self interest has continually been repaid by immigrants good deeds year-by-year, decade-by-decade, and each century. Skilled and unskilled immigrants replenish slowing population growth and fuel our economy. With an aging population this is more important than ever before. Extinguishing the light now is the wrong message. Now more than ever the USA needs to welcome immigrants who can help us grow and prosper, just as we have done in the past.
Bloomberg reports on how these actions can hurt the US economy: “…one study [is] suggesting that removing all of them would cost the economy as much as $5 trillion over 10 years … [The plan] would hit industries that already complain of worker shortages …”...
Not to mention the housing market: “Legal and otherwise, immigrants, long a pillar of growth in homebuying, are no longer feeling the warm welcome and optimism necessary for their biggest purchase … A third of the 11 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. live in a home that they or a family member or friend own … New arrivals are expected to account for more than a third of growth of homeowners this decade …
I hope all those MAGA types enjoy their fifteen dollar chicken sandwich with no farm workers and chicken processors around to do the dirtiest jobs in the US.
I wish them all happieness sitting in a wet diaper in the nursing home 15 years from now, because with these policies in place there will be NO eldercare workers in the United States to take care of them. Nevermind you're losing Medicaid coverage to even be in a home.
And you can forget new games for your phone too. Silicon Valley talent is likely to dry up with even legal immigrants deciding life under Trump isn't effing worth it.
US Tourism has already taken a dive. Do we really think a wall is going to keep only the BAD people out? Idiots voted for Trump, and this is what you get.
Sigh. Time to send another check to the ACLU.