Republican Representative Beth Fukumoto was reprimanded and stripped of her leadership role in the party for attending the Women's March last month. She is now considering changing her party affiliation to the Democrats after being told her only duty was to party and not people.
In an interview with NBC News, Fukumoto explained why she participated. "There were many little girls watching [the election] who walked away believing that you can bully people and still win. And what I said at the march was that regardless of who we voted for in the election, it was all of our responsibilities to show those same kids that in the end kindness and respect should always win."
Apparently, she was too critical of Trump for party leaders to tolerate.
Via Raw Story:
“The Republican Party is getting increasingly hostile to different opinions,” she explained. “If you followed what happened at the state convention (in May 2016), I got booed for about 10 minutes straight for raising concerns about President Trump, then nominee Trump, and the way he treated women and minorities in many of his remarks. I, at the time, had said this is not, this should not reflect our party.”
Fukumoto said she “repeated those sentiments at the Women’s March last week.”
She gave an address on the House floor where she said she was told to place party loyalty above the interests of her constituents.
"Mr. Speaker, I’m being removed because I refused to make that commitment, because I believe it’s our job as Americans and as leaders in this body to criticize power when power is wrong," she argued.
State Rep. Bob McDermott had a snappy comeback. “You are speaking not for yourself anymore,” he said. “It is a high-level responsibility.”
It is true that she isn't speaking for herself, but for those she represents. And to that end, she has a duty to speak truth to power, even when that power is the president of the United States.
Fukumoto has sent a letter to her constituents asking them for their thoughts on whether she should change parties. Depending upon what they tell her, she will possibly make the switch.