February 3, 2017

CNN's Chief Business Correspondent,Christine Romans called out the Trump administration for "accepting" the "jobs report" today as they are after months of calling them a “hoax, phony, fake, and a fraud.”

You may recall that Trump called the labor statistics a hoax many times during the campaign.

A new jobs report was released today and the U.S. economy added 227K new jobs.

Since he took office two weeks ago, Trump is now taking credit for President Obama's jobs creation and jobs reports, as if nothing ever happened.

CNN's Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans, hasn't forgotten and called out the Trump administration today.

She said, "He called the Labor Department statistics on jobs a “hoax,” he's called them “phony,” he's called them “fake,” a “fraud.” Now he seems to be accepting them. They were good. He seems to be accepting them."

Costello said, "Yeah we should read the quote for people in case they missed that. So you go ahead and do that.

Romans said, "This is what he said. He said a couple of things happened this morning,"227,000 jobs, great spirit in the country right now. So we're very happy about that."

She continued, "In the past he has seen numbers like that and he said, "Oh, that's fake, that’s fake to make Barack Obama look good." Now he seems to be accepting it. "I think it's going to continue big league. We're bringing back jobs, we’re bringing down your taxes, we're getting rid of regulations," et cetera, et cetera. He has promised 25 million new jobs, that would make him the biggest job creator president in history. So he needs these jobs to be good.


Romans said, "So it seems he's accepting these numbers, at least as a baseline for now. There's no conspiracy in the numbers when they belong to him."

IOKIYAR! As usual.

(h/t Media Matters)

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