Uh oh! Donald "Twitler" Trump had access to his Twitter account. He bashed civil rights hero John Lewis on MLK weekend. More evidence of his GREAT relationship with the 'Blacks?'
January 14, 2017

The iconic John Lewis, one of the most revered civil rights heroes alive, suffered a skull fracture at the hands of law enforcement, for peacefully marching in Selma, Alabama. Despite almost losing his life for the cause of voting rights for ALL Americans, he has succeeded in every way. His Congressional record shows exemplary good judgement because of his very honorable moral compass. He's served sixteen terms in the House and shows no signs of slowing down.

The Georgia Democrat's high standing among civil rights advocates did not deter Donald Twitler from blasting this hero for his remarks on the legitimacy of Trump's ''victory." He took to Twitter again, with inappropriate ad hominem insults. Predictably, the white (orange) Republican PEOTUS, Donnie "Tic Tacs" picked a terrible time to denigrate an African-American hero: Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. In addition to Trump's tirade, racial tensions are heightened by a state with an abysmal racial history: Mississippi.

The folks in Biloxi thought it was a good time to rename MLK Day as "Great Americans Day. The shameful 'whitening' of the national holiday was decreed by a Tweet from the coastal city in the Magnolia State.

Rep. Lewis sees the whole election and subsequent Trump 'victory' as illegitimate. When that same assertion was made en masse towards President Obama, those false claims garnered infinitely less outrage than Lewis' statements.

Lewis does not question the victory of Trump in the 2016 Election, but the legitimacy of THE ENTIRE ELECTION based on thousands of pages of intelligence that confirm Russian interference all the way up and down the ballot. Remember, the Founding Fathers could not have envisioned a cyber attack by a hostile foreign power, prior to having an electrical grid. That's why we are able to amend the Constitution.

The interview will air in its entirety Sunday Morning on Meet The Press. It will reveal Lewis' very valid assertion that Russian hackers and even Putin himself directly influenced the outcome(s) of the elections. This is not circumspect, it is based on damning revelations acquired by a MI6 agent and the full agreement of the entire intelligence community that Russia had significant impact on our 'free and fair' elections. '

LEWIS: I think there was a conspiracy on the part of Russians and the others. That's not right, that's not fair. I believe in forgiveness I believe in I think the Russians participated in helping getting this man elected and they help destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. I don't plan to attend the inauguration, the first time since I was in Congress.

CHUCK TODD: That's going to send a powerful message. What would you tell young people?

John Lewis exudes more class, refinement and wisdom in his pinky than the entire Republican party has altogether.

LEWIS: As we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr,...when you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do SOMETHING. We cannot afford to be quiet. We must not be silent.

Lewis also sees the blatant racism in the administration because Trump has granted far too much power to people who don't even try to hide their racism, like Stephen Bannon. This next group occupying the White House is taking this white thing a little too literally.

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