Sen. Graham wants Trump to prove his claim that his popular vote loss is due to "illegal immigrants" voting, or stop saying it.
January 24, 2017

Sen. Lindsey Graham scolded President Trump for repeating the lie that millions of votes were cast against him illegally. "I am begging the President, share with us the information you have about this or please stop saying it."

During a meeting with congressional leaders yesterday, President Trump continued to promote the falsehood and "unsubstantiated claim that 3-5 million illegal votes cost him the popular vote, according to two sources familiar with the meeting."

This has prompted a number of reporters and politicians to weigh in again on this weird fixation Trump has with numbers, crowd sizes, hand sizes and his ego.

Sen. Graham was asked to comment and he did not shy away.

Sen. Graham said, "I am begging the President, share with us the information you have about this or please stop saying it."

He continued, "I'd like you to do more than stop saying it. I'd like you to come to the words saying having looked at it I'm confident the election was fair and accurate and people who voted, voted legally because if he doesn't do this, this is going to undermine his ability to govern this country."

Even Speaker Ryan slapped Trump for spreading the falsehood about losing the popular vote to illegally cast votes at the Capitol and said, “I’ve seen no evidence to that effect. I’ve made that very, very clear."

I doubt this is not the last we will hear about this. Trump will continue to lie.

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