The Tea Party zealot who beat Eric Cantor in an epic Republican primary in 2014 is, as we predicted, the cruelest of Republicans. His 'healthcare for some' mentality along with his total disregard for separation of church and state are horrible, but they are less offensive than the way he speaks about his female constituents.
On Saturday, he hosted a meeting at a local tavern, and some Democrats found out about it and tried to get in. They did not have 'tickets,' which were given out to only Brat supporters. One 'enemy' managed to record the above video, however, and Brat's comments, for a Republican, are not too surprising. Here's more:
Brat complained in his speech about women asking him for a town hall meeting, saying, “...since Obamacare and these issues have come up, the women are in my grill [big laughs from crowd] no matter where I go. And they’re saying...they come up — when’s your next town hall — and believe me, it’s not to give positive input.” [more crowd laughter]
One constituent got so frustrated that her repeated requests for a meeting received the runaround, she started a Facebook page for the sole purpose of getting an answer — 7th District Town Hall Meeting. This is taken directly from that page; it seems like a simple and reasonable question from a group of constituents:
"When is the next Town Hall meeting?" is not an accusation, it's a question. Congressman Dave Brat, your constituents would like to hear from you. You ran on a platform that you would be more accessible and we could hold you accountable, right? We would love to hear more about things you talked about in this video.
The 7th District Town Hall Meeting Facebook page is filled with examples of his evasive behavior.
One source, who has been covering local politics since 2014, said that in some instances it appears Brat sends notices to only a chosen few, announces to the local paper just before the meetings, and either puts up the wrong information or completely omits it from his Facebook page and website. Read DAVE BRAT’S FAKE TOWN HALLS.
His next "Town Hall" is going to be held on February 23rd, in ARIZONA! He won't speak in front of anyone who he considers to be unfriendly, and why not travel to Paul Gosar's district in Arizona to minimize the locals who might be pretty miffed. What a coward!
His religiosity with regards to government is also a concern, he even stated in the video that Israel is 100% for Trump, which is patently false. Brat wants to move everything to Jerusalem, much like all the fervent fundamentalists who seem to crave a holy war in the Holy Land.
Early in the video, Brat asks for the attendees to: “ us organize those lists of churches – the good guys who are supportive — and help us message, and help us write newspaper articles. We're getting hammered...right?
No Dave, you and your evil cohorts are hammering this country. And you, sir, are a coward who won't speak to your own constituents.
There is only one way to punish a cowardly, un-representative Congressman like Dave Brat. And I think his constituents know what that is. See you in 2018, Dave.