Uh Oh! 'Conservative Review' Warns Of Sekrit Librul..Ivanka?
Is Ivanka Trump letting her Communist Freak Flag fly? Credit: Blue Gal / Composite
December 2, 2016

It's sometimes fun to visit conservative websites, particularly when they are set to eat their own, and so soon!

Conservative Review (link to the website, be warned) has published an "explosive!" article entitled "3 Ways Ivanka's Inner Liberal is About to Go Wild in the White House." Soon-to-be First Daughter Ivanka Trump has been under fire lately for attempting to sell her cheap department store Chinese knock-off boutique items at both the Republican National Convention and during a post-election '60 Minutes' interview, as well as for sitting in on meetings and phone calls with foreign dignitaries with whom it is likely her own company as well as her father's are doing business. The conflicts of interest, self-dealing, and total disregard for protocol and security clearance do run in the family.

But according to Conservative Review, it's worse. So much worse.

Ivanka represents a dangerous link between the ear of her President-elect father and her "liberal elite connection."

Some choice quotes:

So what leftist causes will Ivanka champion in the Trump administration?

Is Ivanka’s influence on climate change apparent already?

Ivanka hasn’t been quiet about pushing the liberal myth about women being paid less for equal work...

But they save the big guns for Ivanka's signature so-called "childcare" plan, which I have written about before as being just awful because its very structure -- unlimited tax credits for wealthy moms hiring nannies with minimal help for those who simply cannot afford child care from day one -- is simply awful.

But Conservative Review calls it a "government welfare plan." If only.

Trump must tread carefully as President, doncha know. "He clearly has taken advice from Ivanka before, and it’s likely he’ll continue to be a vector for his daughter’s leftist agenda."

We at Crooks and Liars can hardly wait!

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