December 16, 2016

This is how propaganda is crafted. Watch Sean Spicer spin lies to a room full of journalists who are watching a panel on journalism's role in the elections. Earlier in the appearance, there was a gesture toward "clearing the air" with Spicer about media and how they report on Republicans that was shameful, especially given the election's outcome.

And then we got to the Russian hacks, with moderator Jake Sherman asking Spicer about President Obama's press conference earlier in the day.

"He said that the CIA and the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence are now in unison believing that Russia interfered in the election. Do you think that is true?"

After disclaiming his response by saying he's "not an intel person" and hasn't been read in on it, Spicer offered his opinion anyway, and it's a jaw-dropper.

"Number one, this would not have happened had Hillary Clinton not had an improper, a secret server. She did not follow protocol."

You don't have to be "read in" on something to know this is an outright lie. There is no evidence foreign countries hacked into Hillary Clinton's private email server. There is incontrovertible consensus that they hacked into the DNC. See how they did that?

This is the same sleight-of-hand Trump used during the campaign to keep the "lock-her-up" gang happy. They conflated two entirely separate issues into one, because they knew no one would actually bother to try and separate the two.

What is actually the most mind-boggling about this? Spicer was sitting in a roomful of journalists and just was allowed to keep steamrolling ahead, in spite of the fact that he just lied to all of them.

Some online responses were encouraging, however.

Just so we're clear here on the facts, Sean Spicer. The RNC was breached; the DNC was breached. Only one side's emails were released during the election cycle and lied about with such impunity, and it wasn't the RNC.

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