The Trump voters, like Brexit voters before them, are being chumped.
The pro-Brexit promises were that Brexit would be so awesome because it would fund the tremendously popular single-payer National Healthcare program in Britain. But it's not like the pro-leavers put it on the side of a bus or anything. Oh, wait.
Trump is making Brexit campaigners look subtle. Take a look at today's headlines. The great trash can dump of campaign rhetoric has begun:
We all knew this was true. Lock her up? There was no criminal intent in any of the Clinton garbage thrown at her, and everyone in the media knew it. The Muslim ban was unconstitutional on its face. The Wall? Unaffordable, unbuildable, and actually against the interests of many Republican funders. And Birtherism was an insult easily forgotten as long as Trump can count on Obama being a better man than he is. Which, of course, he can.
There's a serious buyer's remorse on the Brexit vote, because those pushing for Brexit LIED to their voters about what it would do for them. They wanted MORE national healthcare, and that promise was pulled out from under them the day after they voted.
Will there be buyer's remorse about Trump? Depends on whether Trump voters knew he was lying, and didn't care.
Those who believed what he said, should feel like chumps. Because the compulsive liar lied to them, too.