November 2, 2016

This is the must-watch segment from Samantha Bee Monday night, in which she goes after the "diverse assortment of paleo conservatives, men’s rights misogynists, right-wing populists, anti-PC crusaders, Jew-baiters, white ethno-nationalists, Southern secessionists, Islamophobes, Holocaust deniers, self-described satirists, trolls, doctors, cyberbullies, and good old-fashioned Neo-Nazis" united under the label "Alt-Right."

Of course the vast majority happen to be Trump supporters.

"By design or by stupidity, Trump’s campaign has casually flung over a Pandora’s Box of vicious gremlins, without caring who they might hurt, which is pretty fking irresponsible,” Bee said. “I mean, not as irresponsible as using a private email server, obviously, but still bad.”

PS. I guess Matthew Dowd felt like he needed to stand up for himself, or something, after that.

No, really.

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