November 16, 2016

My better half Driftglass shared this with me this morning:

Q: Why does Iowa keep sending Steve King to Congress?

A: Because Michele Bachmann won't move there.

Steve King was on MSNBC this morning for some reason, and his reasoning is a wacky as ever. I will only subject you to the last couple minutes, because sanity.

Rep. King claims he's been in "No Go" sections of Europe (which don't exist) and then says this. Hold your breath while reading:

REP STEVE KING (R-IA): Think of this, if we brought let's just say a billion people from the continent of India, Indians into America, would that change America? Would we ever become that which we are and have been, the America that I love and continue to love, or would it transform us? If we did that with a billion Chinese, of course it would change us. We'd have a cultural transformation. We need people that buy into the American culture, the American civilization, the American dream and eventually we need to get the assimilation so that we have cultural continuity on top of that.

It's true, Steve King! If we quadrupled the population of the United States by importing 80% of the entire population of India into the US, things sure would be different!

But that's not all. Steve King also makes some claims about the Greeks!

"I was in Greece not that long ago I asked why when they were digging up the statues that had their hair painted blond? Why? I don't see very many blond Greeks. The guide said that's what 400 years of Turkish occupation will do for you. Maybe by conquest, maybe not by choice."

And now we come full circle, because this "guide" sounds exactly like my husband after he drinks Scotch and starts talking about "his people" and "400 years of British oppression" against...the Irish. Because of all that Irish / English MISEGENATION, don't you know.

You just can't fathom Steve King and his need to protect the Whites of Iowa at all costs. If his party weren't running the entire country right now it would be funny.

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