Jake Tapper and Paul Ryan had a chat this morning about Trumps plan to create a massive deportation force. The majority of Trump's support comes from those who think all of our problems, from crime, loss of jobs, high taxes, etc comes from immigrants. They are wrong, but you know, you can't reason with hate. So Trump capitalized on that fear and said the following:
Trump in a clip from last year says "We are going to have a massive deportation force. A humane force."
Ryan smirks as he watches the clip and tells Tapper "We should put people's minds at ease. That is not what our focus is. That is not what our focus is. We are focused on securing our borders. That is first and foremost. Before we get into any other immigration issue, we need to know who is coming and going."
Tapper asks "What about year two, year three?"
Ryan says "we are not planning on erecting a deportation force. Donald Trump is not focused on creating a deportation force."
Who's going to tell Trumps base that they won't see huge caravans of immigrants, black people, Mexicans and Muslims dragged out of their houses and shipped out of the US? You know, the Hitler did with all the Jews. Most of them are dreaming of a lily white, aryan nation filled with only white people who live in huge houses, make six figure salaries and have zero crime and low taxes.
Psst, it ain't gonna happen.