Well, here we are. Election Day. Anyone have any predictions? I've got Hillary winning by 322 to 216 electoral votes and the popular vote 49% to 44%. Those appear to be towards the upper end of the range of projections, but I have long thought that she would exceed her poll numbers given her extensive ground game and demographic changes that aren't necessarily reflected in the polls. And as much as I like Hillary in and of herself, and for all my seething pessimism, I believe that America will reject the hatred and fascism of her opponent and his retrograde party.
But take nothing for granted. Vote!
Gin and Tacos: The Year of Trump is about to come to a screeching halt.
Human Voices: A Trump win would lead to global economic collapse.
No More Mister Nice Blog: Trump is totally in line with Republican orthodoxy.
Vagabond Scholar: Bigotry and spite are central to Trump's campaign.
The Moderate Voice: The election may not change much in the short run.
On a more positive note, watch Hillary Clinton's wonderful closing message, "Tomorrow."
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here all week.
Send requests and suggestions to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).