Friday night was rocking in Nevada, particularly in Clark County, where hundreds were still waiting in line on the last night of early voting And vote they were.
According to Nevada reporter Jon Ralston, records were smashed Friday, with well over 55,000 voting and more waiting in line. Polling locations were held open so everyone could have an opportunity to cast their votes.
In a campaign phone call Friday, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said they estimated that Republicans would have to win the Election Day vote by a 10% margin to overcome the early vote margins. Jon Ralston scoffed at that.
As it says in this ad, somos el muro, or "We are the wall." And so they are. (I dare you to watch that ad without a tear or wanting to stand up and hug every damn one of them.)
In Florida, numbers are off the charts. As of Thursday, not counting Friday, 596,146 votes were cast by Latinos in that state, or 14.1% of all early votes cast. In 2008, that number was 260,263.
And there's this amazing picture from Texas, where early voting closed Friday, too.
If these numbers hold, along with generally higher turnout numbers across the early voting states and a high turnout on Election Day, Donald Trump will be toast. Early, crispy toast.
Gracias, mi amigos.