LA GOP Admits To Sexting Underage Boy But Swears He Is Not Gay So It's Ok
November 27, 2016

Devout Christian married Louisiana state official Mike Yenni (R-naturally), admits that he had a sexting relationship with a 17 year old boy but swears he isn't gay. He is totally fine with being labeled a pervert and pedophile, though, because he doesn't deny that he engaged in the sexting.

Raw Story reports that that parish president (did I mention he was really religious and God-fearing?) admits that he exchanged "sexually charged text messages" and gave the boy a pair of sexy underwear as a "graduation present" but swears to God, Jesus, and any other religious deity you can list that he is NOT gay. Oh, and he also swears no sexual physical contact took place. Just dirty sexting. Words, pictures, gift exchanges. You know, no touching though. Because that would be wrong.

In trying to justify this totally non-homosexual relationship, Yenni says his relationship with the underage student at his alma mater, Jesuit High School, as a “lapse in judgment.” Sure, but totally not homosexual.

He also takes umbrage with the requests for his resignation. Yes, he sexted an underage person, but everyone does that, right?! And he is not a homosexual. So why is the GOP all up in arms? Cheating is ok. Being homosexual is not. And he is adamant that he is NOT a homosexual.

Did I mention he is married? When asked about that little tidbit, he says “I can’t explain why I did it.”

I can explain it. He has a sexual attraction to men. He admits that he kissed the boy. He was attracted to him and acted on that attraction. Nothing wrong with being homosexual. The whole underage thing, that's wrong. Being married and cheating is wrong. But being homosexual? That is the only thing not wrong in this story and it is the only thing he is denying. This is how twisted the GOP is.

When asked by Fox 8’s Lee Zurik about why he exchanged dirty texts with the teen, Yenni threw his hands up and screamed "I am not gay. Stop asking me if I am gay."

Kidding. He actually said “I can’t…I really can’t answer it. I mean, it was just…it was a stupid action. It was a stupid action to even get into this form of text messaging. It was something…something that I can’t explain why I did it.”

Poor Yenni is all hurt that people are asking for him to resign. Not because he is gay. But because he had a sexual affair with a minor while he is married. Poor Yenni said, in response to a recall efforts launched by Robert Evans, told reporter Zurik:

“Like, in other words, what he’s trying to say in his pleadings, ‘He is a pedophile, he is an admitted homosexual. And that is not true. I’ve never admitted that. It doesn’t define me either.”

“What do you mean it doesn’t define you?” Zurik asked.

“I’m not gay,” Yenni replied.

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