Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach was seen walking into a meeting with Donald Trump on Sunday carry a sheaf of documents outlining a Homeland Security Plan.
An Associated Press photographer caught the scene in a photo with a high-resolution camera capable of seeing the text. Even with Kobach's hand obscuring part of it, some things are easily read.
The document calls for updating and reintroducing the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System. The program was implemented in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, but largely suspended in 2011.
“All aliens from high-risk areas are tracked,” the document reads.
The document then calls for “extreme vetting questions” for “high-risk aliens”; echoing Trump’s campaign rhetoric. High-risk aliens would be questioned about support for Sharia law (Islamic religious law), jihad, the equality of men and women and the U.S. Constitution.
The document also asks for reducing the intake of Syrian refugees to zero.
The rest of the page is either partially or totally obscured by Kobach’s hand and arm. When the photograph was taken, Kobach was standing outside with Trump – it is highly unlikely Kobach wasn’t aware he was being photographed.
The document contains obscured references to the arrest and removal of illegal aliens, “386 miles of existing actual wall,” the post-9/11 PATRIOT Act, and voter rolls. “Draft amendments to National Voter —” can also be seen, perhaps a reference to the National Voter Registration Act.
I think we're about to see Kris Kobach named as Director of Homeland Security. I also think we're about to see actions that will make his "papers please" law look like child's play.
But hey, at least he'll be ready on Day One. We just don't know what insignia they'll force on anyone they don't want in this country.