The cries of outrage are still audible about Hillary Clinton, who never held press conferences! The media narrative generated by, sorry to say, both sides, that HRC was so secretive and sneaky, like most wily women, who should really know their place. Sadly those massive whoppers stuck to her like Krazy Glue™.
Notice how these newly created, special requirements only applied to her? Don't hold your breath for the victors to be held to the same ethereal standards. Instantly forgotten are those tax returns, Pence's emails, asking about the contents of all paid speeches to Wall Street firms, the transcripts from meetings with a foreign country who meddled in our elections, Trump University Docs etc. etc. She was hostile to the press, and Trump has been such a proponent of a free press? Not if you ask Katy Tur.
On Monday, Trump held a closed-door summit with execs from the press. How'd it go? That depends on who you ask. The tone of the meeting ranged from effusive praise for his professionalism on Fox 'News,' to The NY Post who called it a ‘f—ing firing squad’ Oddly enough, both are Murdoch-owned. Playing both sides, perhaps?
Meanwhile, the Mango Tyrant records a rant from his Gilded Tower to silence the poorly educated masses and behold! Suddenly he's an open book, transparent, cooperative and professional. All transgressions forgotten and forgiven. That, of course, was the assessment of the couch debris on Fox and Friends, along with the voice of effective audible contraception, Laura Ingraham. She too wants the viewer to be willfully deceived.
INGRAHAM: I think the country's going to get better. I think the economic landscape is going to get better. There's gonna be, there's gonna be actually more transparency about what's happening. He's already telegraphing what he's going to do on executive order-rescinding (lucky us), on moving forward certain legislation... he is telling people what he's going to do. Things are gonna get better. When things start getting better in the country, I think a lot of this other stuff kind of kind of dissolves away.
What is she actually saying? Accept this new White Supremacist-dominated administration and take your lumps, "free press?" So we're to take Donald at his word, because he's never told a lie or deceived anyone? Are we still selling the Brooklyn Bridge? There's plenty more propaganda from all the Fox 'friends' and Laura, who's been considered for, gag, WH Press Secretary, but it's too much awful for one post.
In August, Thom Hartmann drew the comparisons with Nazi Germany and the rise of Trump, which has delighted America's white-nationalists/hate groups and emboldened them to publicly display how shameful some Americans are. I guarantee that Hartmann was far more prophetic than he would have liked to be.
However, there are some eerie similarities to the beginning of German Nazi rule and the rise of Trump and his white supremacists. In Germany too, they started with abusive language and occasional violence at rallies and in the streets. Muslims are being shot dead for being Muslims. Latinos are being harassed and made unwelcome in the country they were born into. These things must be repudiated and nipped in the bud before they become too much for the civil authorities to handle. Or before the civil authority, god, forbid falls into the hands of the Trumpsters.
Who else feels like we're watching a live train wreck of Biblical proportions?