It's those nasty liberal women who are trying to ruin things for the unlikely immoral candidate whom reverends seem to love.
October 26, 2016

Trump apologists and surrogates have a lot in common with a cold sore: sometimes you forget it's there, but you know it's there, lurking, under the surface. At the worst possible time, boom, it reveals itself in a painful and embarrassing way. The Herpes in question on this episode of Versus, is deplorable malady, Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, who has been a person of infamy on this site more than a few times.

Peterson has a rich history of wingnuttery. He is the founder of B.O.N.D. (The Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), which is a non-profit that espouses faux Conservative movements like the pro-life (pro-forced birth) movement. His own words paint a pretty scary picture of how he thinks.

I am not angry at Black Lives Matter, Louis Farrakhan, Obama, Crooked Hillary, et al., although they take so many into hell. I understand the bitter spirit that drives them; they cannot help it. Evil’s job is to do evil. (yikes!)

Sexual Assault Accusers Are Like Satan

The GOP Must Unite With Alt-Right To Fight Evil

To no one's surprise, Reverend Peterson believes that these wily females, accusing Trump of sexual assault, must be lying. Alan Colmes reminds his sparring partner what he recently said about women in general. The woman is always the guilty one, and women can't help but be bitter because their man hasn't called or texted them back. The Clinton Campaign has capitalized on these 11th hour revelations, and obviously they are all colluding with the enemy to destroy his beloved candidate. It's no big deal that Donald himself is on the record boasting that he has groped and/or assaulted women plenty of times, that's only damning evidence for regular people.

COLMES: So if a woman feels she's been sexually abused or assaulted, your response is she's just upset because of a bad text or break up.

PETERSON: Well we would not talk about all women those liberal women who hate men, they use that...

COLMES: Wait a minute, wait a minute, these are only liberal women who make the assertion, that they're phony and lying? Not conservative women?

PETERSON: What you don't normally find, conservative women falsely accusing men of that type of act...

Alan reminds him that one of the women Gloria Allred is representing against Trump is actually a Republican. The Trump apologist predictably plays the why didn't she say something sooner? card.

PETERSON: Alan, those women accusing Donald Trump of something happened 10 years ago, Where have they been all this time?

Colmes loudly slams the door on his flawed reasoning.

COLMES: The reason women often wait 10 years and don't come out is because reactions like yours where they feel shamed, because they know they're going to be smeared when they do speak out

He spews out much of the same talking points we hear from his fellow Trump sycophants: Gloria Allred is just a man-hating 'ambulance chaser,' Bill Clinton is the real predator here, Herman Cain's legal troubles just 'disappeared' when his candidacy faded, Hillary is 'crooked.' He's well versed in the usual RWNJ crapola.

Reverend Peterson can't accept that these women aren't seeking fame or fortune, and rehashing the traumatic details of their encounter(s) is terrifying and miserable. All misogynists aren't necessarily Trump voters, but all of Trump's backers are definitely misogynists.

Trumpers are all parroting the narrative that women are secretly titillated by reliving these unpleasant memories. After all, as Newt Gingrich even said, women are obsessed with sex. It's a bit ironic and creepy that the object of their "fantasy" has tiny orange hands, orange skin and hair and a jet black soul, which fits the Halloween season's color scheme.

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