In a hilarious deconstruction of last week’s first presidential debate – and its devastating aftermath for Donald Trump - John Oliver got in some excellent comedic shots at Sean Hannity and Fox News.
October 4, 2016

In a hilarious deconstruction of last week’s first presidential debate – and its devastating aftermath for Donald Trump - John Oliver got in some excellent comedic shots at Sean Hannity and Fox News.

I’ve previously written about how Hannity has joined his beloved Donald Trump in citing meaningless online reader polls in order to spin Trump’s big loss last week as a win.

But Oliver adds a certain something that is funny and devastating at the same time. Including this line, after he noted that Fox News announced that those polls “do not meet our editorial standards.”

OLIVER: Which is shocking since I was pretty sure Fox News’ only editorial standards were “All ladies must be 8s or above” and “Try not to say the N-word.”

Have some laughs at Hannity's and Trump's expense above, from the October 2, 2016 Last Week Tonight.

(H/T Mediaite)

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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