October 19, 2016

There's a noticeable difference in Fox News coverage of poll numbers, compared to 2012.

This year, Fox News is much more likely to show how bad it is for Donald Trump. They are even showing Hillary Clinton winning the election (and Texas, yes Texas, as only a "lean" Republican) in their 2016 Electoral College map.

Part of the reason might be that Roger Ailes is no longer around to re-write the narrative for the network, but much more likely is how badly Fox News in particular got burnt after the election of 2012. Remember how much fun Jon Stewart had at their expense the day after?

And this moment from the Fox Show "The Five" on August 18 of this year reveals the reason. Greg Gutfield admits on air that Fox News viewers felt they had been lied to BY FOX NEWS prior to the election, specifically on the subject of polls and election projections:

That's why I think Election Night 2012 was the beginning of the end for the Republican Establishment in the eyes of their own voters. Fox News lied to them. They were going to beat Barack Obama in 2012, they'd defeat the Kenyan Usurper, and they could feel justified in all their hatred and bigotry against him. Every Fox News prophet promised them that they would win this election in a landslide.

And it was a lie. They lost again.

Losing sucks. And to be brought to that point by the one news outlet that was on their side, meant that everything was rotten.

And that led to the appeal of the true "outsider" candidate who would make them so tired of winning...and who DID win...primary after primary after primary.

And now he's losing. To a woman. And a Clinton. Hillary Clinton! It's all so wrong.

Of course, there's also the issue that....the candidate is Trump. And that even Republican women Fox News viewers don't believe that man's lies.

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