October 31, 2016

Former AG for the Bush administration, Alberto Gonzales bashed FBI Director James Comey for breaking protocol by conducting a press conference after he cleared Hillary Clinton in July and questioned his actions on Friday as "unprecedented and unusual," that could influence the election on Nov., 8th.

Bush's former AG resigned amid a swirling controversy involving elections, firings and politics.

Host Stephanie Ruhle asked Gonzales flat out, "Did Director Comey make a mistake?"

Gonzales told MSNBC's Ruhle, "It’s certainly unusual and I think we have all heard the term ‘unprecedented’ used an unprecedented number of times, quite honestly.

Alberto continued, "Typically, you don’t talk about an investigation and where you are in an investigation. Of course, that protocol was breached this summer when Director Comey gave his press conference. And granted, these are very unusual circumstances we’re talking about, a presidential candidate.”

Gonzales couldn't say whether Comey was wrong, but still bashed the FBI.

Alberto said, "I don't know if I can say that it was wrong. It was probably inconsistent with the protocol, so in that sense, you have to question the decision."

He continued, "The protocols are put in place for a reason. It insures more consistent decision making. It insures you take politics out of the decision making. In that sense, you would have to question this decision."

Gonzales also wasn't certain that Comey broke the Hatch Act.

When Ruhle asked if Alberto would have sent such a vague and hackneyed letter Director Comey wrote to the Republicans, Gonzales said, "It appears that did not help the situation at all. Quite frankly, it muddled the situation and obviously, it puts at risk this election."

Gonzales continued, "Some people -- some voters will be making a decision on Election Day and in early voting about which way they're going to go based upon this very incomplete letter that really doesn't say anything other than there is a continuing investigation."

That's why there are protocols in place so the actions the FBI undertook on Friday should not have happened. And that's why the FBI does not comment on ongoing investigations because words, without facts can be used as clubs during elections.

The idea of being transparent is a ruse for James Comey knew at the time. That's why so many Republicans are bashing Comey for it.

And everybody knows it!

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