Donald Trump, a most litigious man, has been skewering the press since his bid for the presidency began and he told a CBS reporter in Miami, Florida that the laws should be changed so people could sue the media.
CBS' Jim Defede asked Trump about his aspirations to change the libel laws and he replied, "Well in England they have a system where you can actually sue if someone says something wrong. Our press is allowed to say whatever they want and get away with it. And I think we should go to a system where if they do something wrong."
He continued, "I’m a big believer tremendous believer of the freedom of the press. Nobody believes it stronger than me but if they make terrible, terrible mistakes and those mistakes are made on purpose to injure people. I’m not just talking about me I’m talking anybody else then yes, I think you should have the ability to sue them."
Defede than asked Trump if he wants our courts to become more like England and he said, "Well, in England you have a good chance of winning. And deals are made and apologies are made. Over here they don’t have to apologize. They can say anything they want about you or me and there doesn’t have to be any apology. England has a system where if they are wrong things happen."
"Freedom of the press" is paramount to a free and fair society and that's why it's the 1st amendment, but with Trump, all he cares about is how he can retaliate against those he perceives as wronging him.
These are the thoughts of a dictator.
That's why we have a democracy.
"Nobody believes it stronger than me..."
Anytime you hear this phrase from Donald, you know he's put his foot in his mouth, again.