Blue America 'Punches' Republicans On The Street. Won't You Help?
October 19, 2016

Nothing like taking it to the streets with a message that gets out the vote and pounds the opposition.

Today at 10 AM our first mobile billboard truck rolled down the road into NH-01 as the driver made his way to Nashua. We have four of them starting this week, spread out across the country.

The truck for Carol Shea-Porter officially started in Nashua, New Hampshire this morning. The driver told me he's spending most of the day in the Merrimack, most of tomorrow in Bedford. Thursday will be Goffstown day and Friday will be his first day in Manchester. And he trucks around on weekends too-- Hookset and Laconia this weekend, for example... Dover and Durham next weekend.

Rockingham County includes 36% of the voters in Carol's district and our truck will spend 7 full days there. And 5 days in Himmsborough County, where 26% of the NH-01 voters live, 4 days in Stafford County, where 19% of the voters live, even a couple days in Belnap County (9% of the voters), etc. This map shows where the truck's driver will concentrate most of his time:


Now, as you may know, I live in Los Angeles, Jacquie lives in San Leandro up in the Bay Area, John lives in Venice and Digby's in Santa Monica. And we're not legally permitted to discuss the truck with Carol Shea-Porter or her campaign. So... we need advice about where to go... especially if there are any events in that would be good targets for the truck. Any suggestions? Please leave 'em in the comments section.


More great news. The truck in Las Vegas gets on the road in time for the final presidential debate. I'm figuring that people in Clark County are going to be excited not just because of the debate but because the Las Vegas Sun just endorsed Ruben Kihuen, our candidate:

"The opposing candidates in this race," they wrote, "cling to dramatically different values. Cresent Hardy, a Republican from Mesquite, was surprisingly elected to the seat two years ago over incumbent Steven Horsford when lethargic Democratic voters in the very blue district stayed home on Election Day. Previously, Hardy served in the Assembly for two sessions."

Yeah... there was that. And this cycle, the DCCC isn't ignoring NV-04. They are supportive of Ruben's campaign and have thus far spent-- along with Pelosi's House Majority PAC-- $2,032,589 on independent expenditures against Cresent Hardy and for Ruben.

Back to The Sun:

Hardy had fully supported Trump’s candidacy, then withdrew his backing this month following the release of the tape in which Trump boasted of aggressively groping women. Hardy is sympathetic to Cliven Bundy’s anti-government rants, opposes closing loopholes in background checks, suggests conserving Social Security funds by pushing retirement age to 70 or 75, has voted to defund Planned Parenthood, opposes the immigration-reform bill that won bipartisan support in the Senate and says that if he were still in the Legislature, he would have opposed Gov. Brian Sandoval’s bipartisan education-reform package in 2015.

Kihuen, whose family arrived in the United States when he was 8, was elected to the Assembly when he was 25. He served two terms and has been elected and re-elected to the state Senate, where he now serves.

His positions are essentially the opposite of Hardy’s. Kihuen wants background-check loopholes closed, a ban on the sale of firearms to individuals on no-fly lists, immigration reform with a path to citizenship and an increase in the minimum wage, and he supported Sandoval’s school-reforms package.

We endorse Kihuen for Congress and implore the district’s Democrats to get off their duffs this time and vote.

Yeah, we do too. Please help Blue America keep the trucks for Carol and Ruben-- and for Duwayne on Long Island and Tom in the Austin/San Antonio region of Texas-- on the road through November 8 by contributing what you can here. Blue America members paid for these trucks. Thanks for helping us on this very effective (and cost effective) campaign!



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