Comedian Amy Schumer, a Hillary Clinton supporter and cousin of Sen. Chuck Schumer, let her feelings be known last night in a concert in Tampa Bay. Apparently it was too much for some Donald Trump supporters.
Source: Tampa Bay Times
TAMPA - About 200 people walked out of Amy Schumer's comedy show at the Amalie Arena in Tampa Sunday when she mocked Donald Trump as, among other things, an "orange, sexual-assaulting, fake- college-starting monster." (Read Jay Cridlin's review of the show).
Loud booing from a vocal, but small minority of the arena crowd started about halfway through the show, when Schumer's raunchy humor veered into more topical matters, including gun control and the presidential election. She has been a vocal advocate for stricter gun laws since a man opened fire during a showing of her movie Train Wreck last year, killing two young women, Mayci Breaux and Jillian Johnson, in Louisiana, and was an early Hillary Clinton supporter,
She made it clear she doesn't understand how people can support Trump. At one point, she asked for a Trump supporter - preferably one with sleeves, she told security personnel - to join her up on stage to explain their enthusiasm for Trump. One fellow did, but he said he was voting for Trump mainly because he doesn't trust Clinton. When some audience members booed, the actor/comedian invited them to leave and also asked security to remove anyone booing.
Schumer also brought a republican voter onstage to ask him, basically, 'Wtf?'
Schumer scanned the crowd for Trump voters, and invited one up to the stage. He identified himself as Dave, an attorney and RINO (Republican In Name Only) who hadn’t voted for a GOP candidate since Reagan. He said he just felt safer with the country in Trump’s hands than Clinton’s.
“Do you get worried at all with how impulsive he is,” Schumer asked, frustration in her voice, “that he gets so fired up from Saturday Night Live doing a skit on him … do you worry he’ll be impulsive and get us in a lot of f---ing trouble we can’t get out of?”