I've had a big problem with the WaPo editorial board, especially when they become spokesmen for the Pete Peterson foundation on our safety nets, but last night they hit the nail on the head when they described Trump's philanthropic behavior as just "using other people's money."
And their title is clear on how they feel about his bogus and alleged illegal charitable giving.
WHERE DID Donald Trump get the harebrained idea that he will get Mexico to pay for a new border wall? Or his boast that he will make Arab states pay for refugee safe zones in Syria? Perhaps from the success he has had sleazily diverting money other people had donated to charity into paying off his business obligations
Donald Trump's behavior shoots down the idea that trickle down economics was ever a viable policy. For the most part, the wealthy will never pass along cash that they've collected.
But even if Mr. Trump’s approach to “philanthropy” is not technically illegal, it is still slimy and shameless.
And to anyone not working for Trump, it's illegal through and through.
And then they finished by calling him out for refusing to release his tax returns.
In fact, Mr. Trump has a secret trove of documents that could help to clarify how much he has really given to charity in recent years, what his business dealings look like and potential conflicts of interest should he be elected president. These documents are his tax returns, which he still refuses to reveal, bucking decades of precedent. Mr. Trump is the least transparent major-party presidential nominee in recent memory — and the one who Americans have the most reason to fear is hiding something..
I wonder how Trump will react since they were "mean" to him.