September 12, 2016

Donald Trump has changed our political culture forever and for the worse. He has laid out the welcome mat to overt hatred, bigotry, sexism and intolerance while glorifying, in essence, the Confederate States of America. This is not making America "Great Again." It's taking us back to the days of Reconstruction.

The impact on even fourth-generation Americans is quite disturbing. For example, a writer from is as American as one can be.

The thirty-five-year-old writer, Henry Gomez, has experienced occasional bias based on his Hispanic-heritage surname. But this year, he has noticed an unmistakable and alarming increase in hateful comments and a heavy barrage of insults from a very specific group of Americans: Trump supporters. Here is a sample tweet that Mr. Gomez received.


He continues:

Call it bigotry. Call it racism. Call it xenophobia. As a writer – especially one who covers national politics – you chalk it up as coming with the territory, as hurtful and as menacing as it can be. This year, though, it is coming far more frequently. There is no mystery why.

Maybe you don't believe Donald Trump is a bigot. Or a racist. Or a xenophobe. But the Republican nominee for president certainly has won the support of people who are.

There is no perfect way to quantify how many Trump fans fit the description.

The point is, these voters are out there. I know because I hear from them.

Read the whole thing to see examples of just how ugly Trump supporters are willing to be online to a journalist with a Hispanic sounding name. This is not making America Great Again, this is making America hate in such a way our country is hardly recognizable.

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