Rep. Steve King, an avid Trump supporter cannot keep his foot out of his mouth.
Well, when has he ever not acted like a jackass?
Rep. King was being interviewed by KVFD AM1400 and said he now describes the Congressional Black Caucus as the "self-segregating caucus" since they've come out against Donald Trump.
Back in July, Rep. King created a firestorm on MSNBC, when he exposed himself as a white nationalist and said, "Go back through history, Charlie, and ask yourself 'where are these contributions made by these other categories of people that you are talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization.."
While being interviewed on Iowa radio on Thursday, the Congressmen whined about African-American reporter April Ryan's "ambush" interview of him. BuzzFeed Andrew caught the audio and the exchange.
King said, "She approached me at the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame a day or two later, with her tape recorder — it was one of those things you call a media ambush — and so, she began to call me a racist,” he added. “And I said, ‘use that word again, again, again, say it a million times. You’re devaluating the effect of it. You’ve got no basis of it because you’ve got more melanin in your skin does that give you the right to call me a racist?’”
But he didn't stop there.
Rep. King then attacked the CBC and said, "And now we’ve got the Congressional Black Caucus here in Washington, DC, today will be leading a protest and they have declared Donald Trump to be a racist. Now, why are they the authority on that? I call them the self-segregating caucus, and so, they long ago moved away from the integration that we really need in this country."
And you wonder why the David Dukes' simply adore the Trump campaign?