President Obama refuted Donald Trump's ignorant words in no uncertain terms when Donald claimed African Americans communities were at heir all time low in American history.
September 23, 2016

Supposedly, Donald Trump has been "reaching out to black voters" lately by telling them he'll make them safe again, because their lives are worse than at any time in the history of America.

President Obama responded on ABC News and told Robin Roberts how nonsensical his words were.

Trump said at one of his rallies, "African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape that they've ever been in before, ever, ever, ever."

President Obama replied, "I think even most 8-year-olds will tell you that whole slavery thing wasn't very good for black people. Jim Crow wasn't very good for black people. What we have to do is use our history to propel us to make even more progress in the future."

I'm beginning to think Donald Trump thinks "Kojak" was a documentary. Trump's understanding of American History assumes a bigoted view of African Americans and their lives. He's clearly never read a book, and he appears to get his information on the Black experience from, I'm serious, 70's cop shows. It's not at all based in fact, and it was almost too easy for President Obama to set him straight.

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