September 9, 2016

This past August, since Trump's support within the African American community was so low, Donald tried to reach out to the black community.

In reality, his outreach was nothing more than giving fearmongering speeches to mostly white audiences.

His plan was influenced by Rudy Giuliani's failed attempt to run for the Senate in 2000, when he used the same "what do you have to lose?" pitch to the black community.

Trump was criticized heavily by African Americans for this ploy.

To this day, many pundits believe that Trump's avid support and leadership of the "birther movement" in 2011 is one of the reasons that African-Americans have been so turned off by his 2016 campaign.

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly asked that very question to Donald and he said he had no idea if it has hurt him.

BILL OREILLY: Do you think your birther position has hurt you among African Americans?

DONALD TRUMP: I don't know. I have no idea. I don't even talk about it anymore Bill, because I don’t bother talking about it.

How did this all begin?

During President Obama's reelection bid in 2011, Trump rode the birther train hard and ultimately became its King. (Check out the above video)

Back on Sept. 21st, 2015, Hillary Clinton tweeted out: "Can a Muslim be President of the United States of America? In a word: Yes. Now let's move on."

On Sept. 22nd, Donald Trump replied via Twitter: "Just remember, the birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008. She was all in!"

Most people where perplexed by Trump's words which tried to tie Hillary to the birthers, but his campaign let it go so the furor died down.

Fast forward to this week.

While Rudy Giuliani was losing his mind during a heated Chris Matthews interview on MSNBC, he repeated the same lie.

GIULIANI: Look, Hillary Clinton's campaign -- Chris, Hillary Clinton's campaign…

MATTHEWS: He did not do that yet. I am waiting for him to do it.

GIULIANI: Hillary Clinton's campaign was the first one to bring up the fact that there was a question…

MATTHEWS: Where did they do that? Where did they do that?

GIULIANI: Donald Trump has said that three, four, five years ago.

MATTHEWS: Give me the example of when they did that. You just said that Hillary Clinton accused the president -- has Hillary Clinton ever accused the president of being foreign-born, ever?

GIULIANI: Her campaign did during the primary.

MATTHEWS: Her campaign, the Hillary for president campaign did this?


MATTHEWS: No, it didn't. There's no evidence the Hillary campaign...

The very next day former Congressman Jack Kingston, also a Trump advisor, claimed that Hillary Clinton indeed was the originator of the Birther movement and actually told Chris Matthews that he has a copy of the Clinton campaign memo from 2008, that proves as much, but alas, he forgot to bring it on air.

Kingston said, "I hate to repeat a lot of what you already had, but the reality is this was started by Hillary Clinton.

Mathews shot back, "Give me the evidence."

Then Kingston started lying and said, "In 2008, I actually have seen the memo which is an inter-party memo. I will absolutely get it to you."

"What is the memo?"

"It said. 'we need to question his'..."

"Who is this from?"

"It's something from the Clinton campaign."

"From the Clinton campaign itself, and you have seen this?"

"I have seen a copy of it. but let me..."

"No, no. You can't say Hillary Clinton is the mother of the birther movement without some evidence. you knew you were coming on this show. why didn't you bring it with you?"

"I may even have it in my briefcase. I don't know."

"This is a live show. We have an hour. Find it. I'm dead serious. I you can find it in your briefcase, something from the Clinton campaign, not some blogger out there, but somebody who actually worked for Hillary Clinton under her direction who said the president wasn't born in this country, that would be news. if you can produce it."

As of this moment, Jack Kingston has not turned over the secret Clinton memo that he says he possessed.

Hillary Clinton has never publicly said a word about President Obama's birth certificate or have any of her close advisors. You have to actually do something to be included in something. As we've seen so far, facts do not matter in the Trump campaign.

Paul Krugman calls Trump's strategy "The Big Liar" technique.

The only person who has every been all-in on the Birther movement that has a national megaphone is Donald Trump - period - exclamation point!

Politifact checked out the ridiculous claims that Hillary birthed the birther movement and rated it false, and explained where Trump found this idiotic talking point from.

John Avlon, editor-in-chief of the Daily Beast, explored the roots of the birther movement in his book Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America. Avlon described a posting on the PUMA website with the heading "Obama May Be Illegal to Be Elected President!" He wrote that a Clinton volunteer in Texas, Linda Starr, played a key role in spreading the rumor.

Starr connected with Pennsylvania attorney Philip Berg in August and Berg followed up by suing in federal court to block Obama’s nomination. The suit was thrown out repeatedly on the grounds that Berg lacked standing and the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately refused to hear his appeal.

There is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States. A review by our fellow fact-checkers at reported that no journalist who investigated this ever found a connection to anyone in the Clinton organization.

If we use Trump logic, then when one of his supporters called for the hanging of Hillary Clinton, we must assume that Donald approved and sanctioned the message and does want Hillary Clinton hanged.

Let's call in the Secret Service to question Donald on this issue immediately.

I hope the rest of the media will shoot down this latest lie from the Trump campaign as vociferously as Chris Matthews did.

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