Joy and Kurt call out the media for using 'weasel words' to create a false equivalency between Trump and Hillary Clinton
September 10, 2016

Bless you, again, Joy Reid. When she hosts her eponymous show, AM Joy she takes no guff from the lying guests that stump for Trump. I am so relieved when I hear her utter the words "you just made an allegation that is provably false," or better yet, 'You can't just assert things that are not true, that you WANT to be true." It's one of the only times we can stop shouting at the television, thanks to her steadfast commitment to keeping people honest.

And you'd think by now that the Trump surrogates would have learned that you can't run out the segment with lies and get an insinuation in on Joy Reid's show. They keep trying.

This morning, the issue was diminishing the Pam Bondi actual Pay-for-Play scandal and elevating contrived "transgressions" of the Clinton Global Initiative as equally bad. Kurt Eichenwald called attention to the 'weasel words' that the media seems to favor that de-legitimize Hillary Clinton by creating a false equivalency. Reid addressed Trump surrogate David Malpass:

REID: David, we just had a guest on who attended the Pam Bondi fund-raiser in Florida, I asked him about it and his first impulse was to go right to the foundation and try to draw an equivalency with the Clinton Foundation. The AP did an extensive investigation and found no evidence of pay for play.

MALPASS: The Clinton Foundation, what we're talking about is hundreds of millions of dollars -- that's all publicly searchable in their open database.

It's clearly pay to play.

REID: sir, sir, sir --

MALPASS: I was a senior State Department official --

REID: You can't say it's a fact when it was not.

Malpass continued to lie, but Joy stifled him by asking Kurt Eichenwald for help.

EICHENWALD: Several points. number one, I've been coming on TV for years to talk about these kinds of things and every time I'm on with a Trump Surrogate, they just get on and lie. They say what they want to be true, they say what they think is true, they say what they're telling each other is true. Let's talk about what happened at the Clinton Foundation: number one, it is not a pay for play. the whole issue of pay is that you get something out of it.

He continues to justly defend Clinton's Global Initiative Charity which gives an impressive 90% to charitable ends. Malpass accuses him of filibustering, but he states his case factually and Joy keeps the Trumper from lying as usual. The segment eventually dissolves into laughter from Reid and Eichenwald, because Malpass just won't quit.

How's that lying to Joy Ann Reid working out for you, Trump surrogates? Especially when it's likely you'll have to sue Donald Trump after the election to get paid for your "work."

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