I was being sarcastic when I tweeted this yesterday before the Commander In Chief forum on MSNBC.
Apparently, Alex Jones seized on it and created another whacked out conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton.
Infowars.com is run by Jones, a conspiracy theorist who believes the government was behind the 9/11 attacks and other national tragedies. Jones recently said he’s been advising Trump. Infowars posted a September 8 story headlined, “WAS HILLARY WEARING AN EARPIECE DURING LAST NIGHT’S PRESIDENTIAL FORUM?”
The piece, authored by Infowars writer Paul Joseph Watson, began: “Was Hillary Clinton wearing an earpiece during last night’s presidential forum? That’s the latest question swirling around the Internet after pictures appeared to show Hillary with some kind of flesh-colored device embedded inside her ear.” Watson added, “Conservative actor James Woods drew attention the issue with the simple question, ‘Earpiece?’ and a close up image of Hillary from last night’s forum. ... 'She can’t even #lie without help from a gaggle of other #liars through an earpiece,' tweeted Woods.”
Matt Drudge jumped on it very quickly and as we know, Drudge rules the world.
Which led Republican presidential nominee's son Donald Trump Jr., to promote another bogus item from the fever swamps.
This led CNN's Brian Stelter to respond:
I can't believe it either, but this is the election cycle where conservative outliers, con men and Black helicopter freaks took over the GOP, with the blessing of Donald Trump.
And let's give Reince Priebus a round of applause for helping to destroy the GOP.