Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a top military Trump advisor made a fool of himself when he told CNN that the U.S. military has a "difficult time understanding what it is that we're facing" because President Obama won't use the phrase "radical Islam" to describe terrorists like ISIS.
If a general or any commanding officer in our military doesn't know who and what the target is? The target we've been fighting since the attacks on 9/11? After President Bush invaded both Afghanistan and Iraq? Because of a catch phrase? They probably should retire. Why was he promoted in the first place?
Retired Lt. Gen. Flynn has not been regarded as a reliable spokesperson by his peers, so statements like this explain a lot.
He has called President Obama a “liar,” declared the U.S. justice system “corrupt” and insisted that he was pushed out of his assignment as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency because of his views on radical Islam. The claim has left former superiors seething, including Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., according to current and former officials who said Flynn was removed because of management problems.
Did he not know who the enemy was all those years in service?
Maybe that's why he was fired?
Wednesday night, during a CNN Town Hall, President Obama was asked by a Gold Star mother why he won't use the phrase "radical Islam."
President Obama said, "But what I have been careful about when I describe these issues is to make sure that we do not lump these murderers into the billion Muslims that exist around the world, including in this country, who are peaceful, who are responsible, who, in this country, are fellow troops and police officers and fire fighters and teachers and neighbors and friends -- call these folks what they are, which is killers and terrorists. "
On CNN's New Day, host Chris Cuomo discussed this point with Trump's top military advisor and asked, "You were unsatisfied by that answer. Why?"
Gen. Flynn responded in a bizarre way and said, "And I think it does a disservice to not only the men and women in uniform, but I think it does a disservice to the enemy that we're facing not to clearly define what it is they believe in and how they are acting on that belief system."
He continued, "I still think that the president has got this wrong and, frankly, we have, we really had a difficult time understanding what it is that we're facing and why it is they feel the way that they feel about us."
Cuomo quickly cut in and said, "It does a disservice to the enemy that we're fighting? Shouldn't you disrespect them as much as possible?"
Flynn replied, "We should clearly define who it is we are facing. I think they are fighting in the name of Allah."
This has been one of the most ridiculous attacks leveled against President Obama, but it also fulfills the "Obama is a secret Muslim" narrative that many conservatives believe.
If a law enforcement officer tells his partner they are tracking a "killer," would the partner be confused because he/she didn't say "murderer?"
Gen. Wesley Clarke jumped in and also clarified the President's position as well: "You can't win a fight like this unless you bring all of our allies together. The people in the United States we're trying to work with. We have so many loyal Muslim Americans here.
He continued, "We've got friends in the Islamic world. they don't agree that Islam is about killing people. So when you use that label, you're discrediting our friends and allies and supporters."